Medical Information, Income Tax and List of Attorneys
List of Hospitals, Physicians, U.S. Federal Income Tax Consultants and Attorneys in Jerusalem Consular District (Includes West Bank and Gaza)
The Consular district of the American Consulate General in Jerusalem comprises the city of Jerusalem and the West Bank. This partial listing of doctors practicing in that district is for the information of American citizens who find themselves in need of medical assistance.
The list gives information on hospitals, pharmacies and doctors of different specialties including their addresses, working hours, educational background, languages spoken and other pertinent information.
The Consulate assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the institutions or physicians included in this list. The order of names of the institutions or the physicians mentioned in this list is of no significance.
Jerusalem and Israel: "Magen David Adom" 24 hours service; telephone #101
Old City of Jerusalem: also 050-319-120
West Bank cities: call 101 or one of the following numbers:
- Jenin: 06-250-3537
- Tulkarem: 09-267-2140
- Nablus: 09-238-5077
- Qalqilya: 09-294-0722
- Ramallah and Jericho: 02-295-7574
- Bethlehem: 02-274-3225
- Hebron: 02-222-8598
TEREM Immediate Medical Care Center: tel. 02-652-1748, 652-2607; Magen David Adom Building, 7 Ha-Memgimmel St., Romema, Jerusalem. (Two more branches in 9 Azza St., tel. 561-0157; 561-2139 and in Maale Adumim, Yahalom Square, tel. 535-2416) This center treats around-the-clock emergencies providing urgent medical assessments, care for acute injuries, and orthopedics; X-ray, ultrasound and laboratory facilities are available on the premises. Equipment available for extended observation, e.g., for monitoring head trauma and cardiac irregularities. Other services provided are radiology, internal medicine, pediatrics, infectious disease, nephrology, obstetrics and gynecology.
- Hadassah University Hospital – Ein Kerem: Tel. 02-677-7111. Fax. 02-643-4434. A 700-bed tertiary hospital. 130 sub-specialties, all-patient clinics, 100 out-patient clinics, A-1 level Trauma Unit, Emergency Medicine Center, Hemato-Oncology Institute, Gene-Therapy Institute. Private Consultation Service (Sharap), tel. 02-677-8899.
- Hadassah University Hospital – Mt. Scopus: Tel. 02-584-7111, Fax. 02-582-3515. A 300-bed community hospital. In-patient and outpatient services, emergency room, surgery intensive care unit, 6 operation rooms. Private Consulation Service (Sharap), tel. 02-584-4940
Patients arriving at the ER are asked to register and pay the current rate for ER care. If x-rays or tests are needed, payment is in advance. ALWAYS ask for receipts in English for claiming the money back from your insurance company.
Please refer to the Consulate's "Counseling List", now available at our Section of American Citizen Services. Ask us while in our office or call 02-622-7216 and we will mail the list upon request.
Reliable, well-stocked pharmacies are available in Jerusalem and its suburbs. A few are closed in the mid-afternoon, but a rotating duty pharmacy remains open nights and holidays. The Jerusalem Post newspaper publishes a list of such pharmacies daily. All pharmacies are registered with the government and are considered reliable. The following is a list of some well-known pharmacies:
ALBA, 42 Jaffa Rd., Tel. 625-3703, 625-7785
ASSUTA, 12 King George St., Tel. 625-4872
BALSAM, 28 Salah El-Din St., Tel. 627-2315
CENTRAL, Salah El Din St., Tel. 628-2196 (Across from flower shop)
DAR El DAWA, Herod's Gate, Old City of Jerusalem, Tel. 628-2058
BELLA, 5 King David St., Tel. 625-4856
PETRA, 6 Salah El Din St., Tel. 628-4123
ADDRESS: 12 Straus St., Jerusalem 95142
TELEPHONE: 538-4394
SPECIALTY: Oral Surgery/General Dentistry
BACKGROUND: Qualified B.D.S.I., National University of Ireland in 1951. Fellowship Dental surgery, Royal College of Surgeons England, 1958. Fellow of International College of Dentists, 1983. Held teaching appointments of Cork Dental Hospital 55/57. Chief Assistant Physician at Hadassah Dental School 59/62. Hospital appointments of Bristol Dental Hospital 1952. Clinical Assistant Eastman Dental Hospital, London 1956-1957.
WORKING HOURS: Sunday-Thursday 8:00am - 12:30pm, off Friday and Saturday
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew and Gaelic
ADDRESS: Harlap #5, Rehavia, Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 02-563-4445.
SPECIALTY: General Dentistry
BACKGROUND: D.D.S. McGill University, Montreal 1963. Assistant Professor, Copenhagen (Denmark) Dental School 1964-65. Lecturer, Hadassah Dental School 1965-1967, 1972-1975. Private practice in Jerusalem since 1975.
WORKING HOURS: Monday through Thursday 10:00am - 15:30pm, call for an appointment
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew, French and Danish
ADDRESS: 3 El Zahra Street, Jerusalem; P.O.Box 19217
TELEPHONE: 628-4144 office, 583-3588 home
SPECIALTY: Oral and Dental Surgery/General Dentistry.
BACKGROUND: D.D.S Beirut. Postgraduate School of Stomatology of Paris/France. Georgetown University. University of California Medical School - San Francisco. Fellow of the International College of Dentists. National Secretary and Counsel member of the International Association of Stomatology, Paris.
WORKING HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm, and 3:30pm - 6:30pm, Wednesday 9:00am – 1:00pm
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, French, Arabic, Spanish and Italian
ADDRESS: 12 Shamai Street, Entrance C, Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 02-624-2466, 054-990934
SPECIALTY: Dental surgery/General Dentistry
BACKGROUND: DMD Tel Aviv University; specialized in dental implants in Tel Aviv University; MA in Reiki and biogonomy, Jerusalem; Member of the European Association of Dental Implantation; Specialized in hypnotism, pain control, special techniques, Tel Aviv University; Pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and prosthesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Clinic has laboratory for prosthesis repairs.
WORKING HOURS: By prior appointment
LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, Romanian
ADDRESS: Emek Refaim 25, German Colony, Jerusalem
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 2233, 90435 Efrat, Gush Etzion
TELEPHONE: 02-561-1584
FAX: 02-563-3119
SPECIALTY: General Dentistry
BACKGROUND: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, 1988; continuing education courses. Serves as dentist in U.S. Army Reserves. Private practice in Jerusalem since 1988.
WORKING HOURS: Sunday through Wedendsay 9:00am - 6:00pm
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew, some Yiddish and Spanish; clinic's staff speaks German
ADDRESS: (a) 1 Golda Meir Blvd; (b) Jerusalem Mall, Malha
TELEPHONE: (a) 02-538-3737,538-3535; Fax.537-1280; (b) 02-678-2788
SPECIALTY: General Dentistry & Orthodonics
BACKGROUND: Graduate of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
WORKING HOURS: Call for appointment; Sun-Thurs 8:00am – 8:00pm; Friday 8:00am – 1:00pm
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, Spanish, Russian and Yiddish
ADDRESS: 24 Ben Maimon Blvd., Jerusalem 92261
FAX: 02-567-0994/5
MOBILE: 052-824-055
SPECIALTY: Prosthodontist, oral rehabilitation
BACKGROUND: Attended undergraduate program at Hadassah University Dental School, Jeruslem (’80-’83); graduate studies at Hadassah University (’80-’86); postgraduate program in Prosthodonics, Hadassah (’89-’93). In 1995 appointed by Israeli court as an Expert Consultant in matters of appraisal, evaluation, and brokerage, concerning periodontics and restorative dentistry. In 1996 opened private clinic, specializing in preventative dentistry, Oral Rehabilitation and Esthetic Dentistry.
WORKING HOURS: Call for appointment
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: Hebrew and English
ADDRESS: 41 King George St.
TELEPHONE: 624-4756 office, 561-1345 home (24 hrs phone)
SPECIALTY: General Dentistry and Orthodontics
BACKGROUND: Graduate from New York University B.A., D.D.S., and M.S. in Post Graduate Orthodontics; U.S. Army Dental Corps; private practice Lawrence, NY.
WORKING HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 8:00am - 11:00am and 1:00pm - 5:00pm; Friday 8:00am - 1:00pm
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, Yiddish, German and French
ADDRESS: 10 Mesilat Yesharin
TELEPHONE: 02-625-1625; Home: 02-533-2828
FAX: 02-533-2827
SPECIALTY: Dr. Karin Ziskind: Pediatrics; Dr. Daniel Ziskind: Prosthodontist, Regular Dentistry
BACKGROUND: Dr. Karin Ziskind: undergraduate studies at George August University, Gottingen, Germany (1980); graduate studies at Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem (1990). In 1988-89 worked at the American Army Hospital in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Daniel Ziskind: undergraduate studies in George August University, Gottingen, Germany (1983); graduate studies in Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem. In 1988-89 served as a research affiliate in the Free University Klinik – Nord, Berlin, Germany.
WORKING HOURS: Call or e-mail for appointment; Dr. Karin: Sun – 8-5 Tue – 12-6 Wed – 8 – 2:30; Dr. Daniel: Mon – 4-8 Wed- 4-8 Fri- 8-1
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, French, German, Polish, and Hebrew
ADDRESS: Ikmais Building, Bethlehem (P.O. Box 637)
TELEPHONE: Clinic: 02-743283 – recording in English and Arabic asking to leave a message; residence: 02-743260.
SPECIALTY: Dentistry
BACKGROUND: Practice since 1975; Peridoltgy and Oral Surgery Deprtment; 6 months course at Whipps Cross Hospital, London University 1980.
WORKING HOURS: Morning hours at the UNRWA Clinic in Hebron; Mondays - Saturdays: 15:00pm to 18:00pm at the private clinic.
CHARGES: Depends on the Individual case
LANGUAGES: Arabic and English
ADDRESS: Sha'are Zedek Hospital, P.O.B. 3235 Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 655-5111 – Sha’are Zedek Main Number; 651-5566 – can be reached after 9 p.m. on Sun & Wed; 655-5999 – for appointments; 655-5447 – during office hours
SPECIALTY: E.N.T. General, Sinuses and Ear surgery
BACKGROUND: 1956-1966 Medicine, Hadassah Medical School. 1967-1972 Resident, Department E.N.T, Hadassah Medical School, 1973-1977 Chief Physician Hadassah Hospital. 1977-1990 Deputy Head of Department, Bikur Cholim Hospital. Director of Department of Otolaryngylogy, and Head and Neck Surgery, Sha'are Zedek Medical Center. Director of otolaryngology, Kupat Holim Health Services, Jerusalem.
WORKING HOURS: Sundays & Wednesdays after 3:00pm
CHARGES: NIS 500 first visit
LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, Arabic and French
ADDRESS: Abu Mounshar Building, Beer Al-Houmos St., Hebron
TELEPHONE: 02-992-5645 (home) 222-5645 (office)
SPCEIALTY: Ear, nose and throat
BACKGROUND: Graduate of medical school in Syria. Member of Syria Board and of Jordan Medical Association.
WORKING HOURS: Saturdays to Thursdays 8:00am - 14:00pm
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: Arabic and English
ADDRESS: 5 Tchernichovsky St., Kiryat Shmuel, Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 02-566-0642 or Beeper service 672-6677, No. 6198 at all hours
SPECIALTY: Family Medicine, Acupunture (for pain and weight loss) & Laser therapy
BACKGROUND: Graduated at Monash University, Melbourne; passed the American Educational Council for Foreign Medical Grads examination '73; was registered as a medical practitioner in Victoria, Aust.; completed the fellowship program of the Royal Australian College of G.P's; passed the required examination in order to practice medicine in Israel.
WORKING HOURS: By appointment only
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case (approx.$50); also prepared and fully equipped to do home calls
LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew and Yiddish
ADDRESS: Salah El Din St., P.O.Box 19557, Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 628-3210 clinic, mobile – 055-253-893
SPECIALTY: General practice
BACKGROUND: Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. Served 4 years with the Jordanian Arab Army 1966. At present, private practice since 1966 and part time voluntary work with the International Christian Committee.
WORKING HOURS: Saturday through Thursday 9:00am - 1:00pm; off Friday
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: Arabic and English
ADDRESS: 16/B Sokolov St., Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 563-8418
FAX: 566-4061
BACKGROUND: B.S. Harvard College, Phi Beta Kappa. M.D. Columbia University 1944. Partial Specialty Training in Psychiatry. Neuro-Psychiatrist U.S. Army. Diploma from the American Board of Family Practice. provides a wide range of office diagnostic and minor surgical procedures. Special interest: Gynecology, Obstetrics, Sterility, Ultrasound and office bacteriology.
WORKING HOURS: By appointment only; 95% retired
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew and German
NAME: C.B. Sherer
ADDRESS: 10 Jabotinsky St., Talbieh, 92142 Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 563-6463
FAX: 566-4459
BACKGROUND: MD Middlesex Hospital, London University 1945. Hospital and army service, general practice, Auckland, New Zealand 1947-61 (including electro-cardiography); 1962 Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem. Since then private general practice in Jerusalem (E.C.G. and minor surgery). X-ray clinic attached to office, with consultant radiologist. Laboratory attached to office. Medical Consultant U.N., British Consulate and Australian Embassy.
WORKING HOURS By appointment (house calls if required)
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, French, Hebrew and Yiddish
ADDRESS: Sha'are Zedek Medical Center, P.O.Box 293, Jerusalem 91002.
TELEPHONE: 655-5111 – general number for Sha’are Zedek, 655-5555 (delivery room), 655-5683
SPECIALTY: Obstetrics/Gynecology - Complicated Pregnancies
BACKGROUND: Clinical senior lecturer. Head, Feto-Maternal Unit, Hadassah Medical School. Deputy Chief of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Sha'are Zedek Medical Center since 1966. Associate Professor of Albert Einstein Medical Center in New York.
WORKING HOURS: Tuesdays and Thursdays in the afternoon at the outpatient clinic
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Italian and Arabic
ADDRESS: Mishol Hakurtam 6, Ramot, Jerusalem; clinic in Hadassah Mt. Scopus
TELEPHONE: 584-4044 office – recording in English & Hebrew; 586-7255 home
FAX: 586-9950
SPECIALTY: Obstetrics/Gynecology
BACKGROUND: Medical School in Israel, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hadassah University Hospital.
WORKING HOURS: By appointment
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English and Hebrew
ADDRESS: 7 Gretz Street, German Colony, Jerusalem (office)
TELEPHONE: 566-9694
SPECIALTY: Family practice, cholesterol disorders, asthma, allergy
BACKGROUND: Graduate from the University of Louisville, School of Medicine in 1956. Internship Kings County Hospital, New York 56-57; John Hopkins Lipid Training Center. Deputy Post Surgeon, U.S. Army, Fort Wadsworth Staten Island, New York 57-59. John Hopkins Lipid Training Center.
WORKING HOURS: 8:30 - 10:00 Sundays through Fridays; and also by appointment
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English and Yiddish
ADDRESS: Private Clinic: Al-Kawthar Street, Al-Bireh; Al-Hilal Palestinian Red Crescent Society Hospital
TELEPHONE: 240-6260; 240-6270
SPECIALTY: Internal medicine and pediatrics
BACKGROUND: Attended medical school at Howard University. Residency at State University Hospital, New York.
WORKING HOURS: Call for appointment
CHARGES: Depends on individual case
LANGUAGES: English and Arabic
ADDRESS: 9 Rashba Street, 92264 Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 566-4733 – Hebrew answering machine, leave name and number and someone will call back; additional number 02-646-4149
FAX: 561-1036
SPECIALTY: Eye diseases - Eye surgeon - Glaucomas - contact lenses specialist - refractive surgery (examiner - laser)
BACKGROUND: Faculty of Medicine of Paris 1956-1963, Externe des Hopitaux de Paris, Internat des Hopitaux de Strasbourg. Certificate of Special Studies in Ophthalmology: 1963-1967. Assistant-Professor at the Rothschild Ophthalmic Foundation of Paris: 1967-1976. Senior in the Sha'are Zedek Ophthalmic Department: 1977-1981. Head of the Ophthalmological Department of Misgav Ladach Hospital from 1981.
WORKING HOURS: Every day except Friday and Saturday - by appointment only
CHARGES: $100; also depends on the individual case; free for indigent people after personal recommendation
LANGUAGES: French, English, Hebrew, Spanish, Russian understood
ADDRESS: Orthopedic Department Hadassah Hospital, Mount Scopus
TELEPHONE: Mt. Scopus Hadassah Hospital 584-4500/1 – says in Hebrew ‘leave message for the doctor after the tone’; 533-0905
SPECIALTY: Orthopedics
BACKGROUND: M.B.Ch.B. University of Cape Town 1956 F.R.C.S England 1962. Specialization in orthopedics 1956-1974. Senior orthopedic surgeon Groote Schuur Hospital Cape Town and University of Cape Town. 1974 to 1984 senior orthopedic surgeon Hadassah University Hospital Mt. Scopus Jerusalem. Professor of orthopedics at Hebrew University since 1984. 1988 Head of Unit of Orthopedics, Mt. Scopus.
WORKING HOURS: By appointment
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew, Dutch and Yiddish
ADDRESS: Shufat, Apt. #9, Jerusalem: P.O. Box 19244
TELEPHONE: 581-5776
SPECIALTY: Pediatrics
BACKGROUND: Graduated in 1953 from the French Medical University in Beirut - Lebanon. 1953 - 1962 worked as Pediatric Resident and later Assistant in the Pediatric Department of the Augusta Victoria Hospital, Jerusalem. Since 1962 Field Preventive Medicine Officer in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. Private child clinic at the above address in Jerusalem.
WORKING HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri 1:00 - 4:00pm, and by appointment; off Sat and Sun; call for an appointment
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, French, Arabic, Armenian and Turkish
ADDRESS: 13 Naomi St., Abu Tor 93552 Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 02-732228, 731314, 732334
SPECIALTY: Psychiatry, Drug specialist
BACKGROUND: Director, Methadone Maintenance Institute, Chicago. Professor Psychiatry Northwestern University. Visiting Professor, University of Florida. Director Psychiatry Unit, Cook County Jail. Over 100 papers and 5 books published. Various honors in field. Education: University of Maryland, Medical School and Psychiatry. Resident fellow, National Institute of Mental Health. Fellow, Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Qualified in Psychiatry, Medicine and Hypnosis. Diplomate American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry. Executive Director of "New Life", The National Institute on Drug Abuse of Israel.
WORKING HOURS: By appointment only
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew, French and German
ADDRESS: 3 Bartenura Str., Jerusalem 92184, Ground floor
TELEPHONE & FAX: 563-3511
SPECIALTY: Psychiatry
BACKGROUND: Zürich, Switzerland, 1955. Specialist in Psychiatry, Jerusalem Medical School 1964. Degree of Master of Public Health Jerusalem Medical School, 1963. Formerly, Medical Director of private psychiatric Hospital. Psychiatric adviser and member of medical comissions to Ministry of Defense, National Insurance Institute, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Communication. Private practice since 1964. Analytically Oriented Psychotherapy, Psychopharmacology, Legal Expertises. Marital Counselling (formerly Director, Marital Counselling Service, Academy of Medicine of the Israel Medical Association.)
WORKING HOURS: By appointment only
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew, German and French
ADDRESS Alqam Center, 3rd floor, Jerusalem-Hebron Road, Bethlehem
MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 51399, Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 02-277-0489; mobile telephone 052-519-867
FAX: 02-277-0488
SPECIALTY: Adult and child psychiatry
BACKGROUND: Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in Adult and child Psychiatry (Adult Board- 1980, Child Board – 1981). USC School of Medicine – Assitant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry 1981-1985. Mental Health supervisor – UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Work Agency) – 1991-1995. Director of Guidance and Training Center for the Child and Family, Bethlehem as of November 1994. Consultant to many foreign and local institutions, e.g. Palestinian Ministry of Education, Medecins Sans Frontiers, Caritas Jerusalem, etc.
WORKING HOURS: Monday through Friday from 8:30am until 2:00pm
CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
LANGUAGES: English, Arabic, French, Greek
ADDRESS: Shaare Ha’ir Building, 9th Floor, 219 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 537-8864/5
SPECIALTY: Specialist for Skin & Veneral Diseases
BACKGROUND: Graduate of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Non-Registered Member of the American Academy of Dermatology.
WORKING HOURS: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday – 9 – 11:00 a.m./2:30 – 6:00 p.m.; Monday – 11:00 a.m. – 3 p.m.
LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English and German; Arabic understood
ADDRESS: Beit HaTeomim, 15 Kanfei Nesharim Street, Jerusalem
TELEPHONE: 652-2238
FAX: 02-653-7391
SPECIALTY: Dermatology, Dermatologic Surgery, and Dermatopathology. The range of services includes a laboratory for skin pathology, for fungal testing, and also laser/light treatments for conditions including sun-damaged skin, facial redness and hair removal.
BACKGROUND: 1979-91, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center - Dermatology Resident and Research Fellow. 1981-83: Yael University School of Medicine - Dermatology Resident, Chief Resident; 1983-84: Yale Dermatology and Co-Director Of Yale Dermatopathology Laboratory. 1985 - present: Hadassah Hospital - Dermatopathology Consultant and Instructor, Senior Dermatologist. Board Certification: U.S. Board Certified in Dermatology; U.S. Board Certified in Dermatopathology; Israeli Board Certified in Dermatology.
WORKING HOURS: Sunday 9-1/2-5 p.m.; Tuesday 9:30-1/2-5 p.m.; Wednesday 9:30 – 1/ 2-4 p.m.; Thursday 9-1 / 2-4 p.m.
CHARGES: NIS 450 for first visit (2002 rates)
LANGUAGES: English and Hebrew
The following tax consultants resident in Jerusalem have expressed willingness to assist U.S. taxpayers in completing their U.S. Federal Income Tax Returns - both individual and business returns.
The American Consulate General in Jerusalem assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms whose names appear on this list. The names are arranged alphabetically and the order in which they appear has no other significance.
Attention is drawn to the fact that the Israeli Society of CPA’s prohibits advertising on the part of its members. This list is released therefore for private use only. It is not to be published.
To download tax forms via the Internet, please visit
CPA, State of Virginia, BS Liberty University Lynchburg, VA. Address: Masrouji Bldg., 2nd Fl., El-Bireh, Ramallah. P.O.Box 19055, East Jerusalem. Tel:02-2400230, Fax 02 2400231 & 0522 330523. Res. 5835826. Hours from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Jordanian citizen. Languages: Arabic, English, and some Hebrew. Fee: Based on time.
CPA (US), MBA, AND APC. 16 Ha’Uman Street, Jerusalem; Tel. 02-999-2104 Fax: 02-9910195 & 0522 749 999. E-mail
Practicing for over 20 years. Friendly, professional service includes: U.S.
Tax returns and Israeli tax reform planning, social security tax and
Investment planning, IRS representation and resolution of disputes, tax
Newsletter, home visits available.
CPA, Zahra Street, Jerusalem Cinema Building, and P.O. BOX 19198, JERUSALEM 91191. Tel.628-3581, Fax.627-6057. Zahra Street, Ramallah. Tel 298-4701, 298-4702 (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday; 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Saturday). Born Jerusalem 1954. Jordanian citizen. Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants. Languages: English and Arabic. Fees: Based on time and complexity of work involved.
Ben Zion 28, Givat Shaul, and P.O. BOX 34516, JERUSALEM 91342. Tel. 625-5060, Fax 651-1488, Res. 851-9943.C.P.A. New York (1971) & Israel (1983). J.D.- Columbia University, N.Y. (1969). M.B.A. (Taxation)-N.Y.U. Graduate School of Business Administration (1966). Member of the Bar-New York (1971) & Israel (1983).
Murrel Kohn & Co., 5 Haportzim St., P.O.B. 4469, and 91043 Jerusalem. Office tel. 972-2-567 1678 fax 972-2-563-2312. E-mail: (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday). Tel Aviv: 10 Carlebach Street POB 20034, 61200 Tel. 03-6242977 Fax: 03-7604646. Born Kentucky, 1938. American/Israeli citizen. B.S. Economics (accounting major), University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School) 1960; CPA Commonwealth of Kentucky 1963 CPA. Israeli CPA-1972; Income tax consulting 44 years. 1960-1963 Public Accounting; 1963-1968 Controller and Treasurer, Industrial Services Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 1969-1972. Treasurer, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. 1972-1977 Liaison Officer Investment Authority, Ministry of Finance, Jerusalem. Specialist in U.S. and Israeli taxation, US Estate planning, & offshore structures. Languages: English and Hebrew. Fees: Based on time and according to accepted practice of Israel CPAs.
Shimon Katz CPA in US & Israel, 55 Uziel Street, Beit Vegan, Jerusalem 96423. Tel.642-0504. E-Mail SYKATZ@NETVISION.NET.IL Born New York 1936. American citizen. CPA State of California 1967-Present. Languages: English, Hebrew and Yiddish. Fees: Based on time.
C.P.A., PO BOX 1373 El Ersal St. Salam Building Ramallah. Tel.298-0080 Fax 295 9256. E-mail: Born in Beit Jala, 1954. American/Jordanian citizen. Master of accounting, Arizona State University. Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Languages: English & Arabic. Fees: Based on time & complexity of work involved.
10-hahistadrut streets. Jerusalem 94230. Tel.02-6246057. Office hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Sunday - Thursday), 8:30 - 1:00 Friday. Born New York, N.Y. 1946. American/Israeli citizen. B.A. Economics, University of Hawaii 1969; worked five years at Income Tax Division and Treasury Department of the State of Israel as an Internal Auditor 1975-1979. Has been preparing U. S. federal & state tax returns for individuals for the last 25 YEARS. Specialist in U.S. and Israeli taxation. Languages: English and Hebrew. Fees: Based on time and work involved.
C.P.A., 120 A Hertzl Blvd., P. O. Box 23376, Jerusalem 91233. Tel: 643-8808. Fax: 643-7002. E-mail: American/Israeli citizen. MBA, University of Michigan. Certified in Illinois. CPA since 1976. Prepares U.S. federal and state tax forms. Languages: English and Hebrew. Fees: Based on time and complexity of work involved.
Revised April 2006
The Consular district of the American Consulate General in Jerusalem comprises the city of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. This partial listing of attorneys practicing in the above district is for the information of American citizens who find themselves in need of legal assistance.
This ALPHABETIZED list gives details as to the types of cases accepted by each individual or firm, educational experience, time in practice, languages spoken, and other pertinent information.
The Consulate General does not assume responsibility for the professional competence or integrity of the persons or firms included on this list. The names are arranged alphabetically; the order in which they appear has no other significance.
The Consulate General wishes to emphasize that both the Israeli and Jordanian Bars prohibit advertising on the part of members. This list is therefore prepared for private use only; it is not to be published.
· The Israel Bar:
· Lawyer Locator:
ABUGHAZALA, Tawfiq, Gaza. Tel: 07-2869339, Fax: 07- 2860422, Email: taglaw@mecopalcom. Bachelor of law from Cairo University, 1963. Member of Palestinian Negotiations team with Israel. Board Member, Business Development Center. Arab Insurance Establishment, Legal Consultant. Co founder of the Gaza center for human rights and law. Practice: Financial law, taxation, insurance and Intellectual property. Languages: English and Arabic.
ABU NASSER, Abdulrahman: Omar Almukhtar Street, Gaza, and Tel- Fax 08- 2868860. Bachelor of law from Alexandria University, 1978. License of General law Diploma International Law from Alexandira University, 1982, License of Islamic Legislation Diploma. PhD in the general international law from the faculty of law, Cairo University, 2000. Practice: General International Law, International Organizations, Human rights, International and Human Law and Democracy, Administrative law.
Languages: English and Arabic.
ABRAMOWITZ, Benson: 5 Eliash Street, Jerusalem 94586. Tel: 02-625-4242,
02-624-5368. Email: Born Baltimore, MD, U. of Md. BA 1976 (Economics), U of Md. School of Law JD 1979 (Hon). Admitted: Maryland Bar 1980, Israeli Bar 1982. Practice: Estates and Trust, Residential Property and Real Estate, Charitable Foundations. Languages: English and Hebrew.
AL THARF Mohammed: Ramallah , Al – Ersal Street , Near the Best Eastern, P.O Box 243, Ramallah, Tel 02-2966606 , Mobile 059-978-2101. P.H.D in Political Science, MA in International Relations , B.A in Law. Member of Legal Committee, Member of Palestinian Bar Association, Member of Arab Lawyers Union, Member odd the Society for Protection of the Intellectual Property Right. Practice: Civil and Criminal Court Cases. Shari’a court cases. Expert in Insurance Cases. Languages: English , Arabic and Hebrew.
ALBAKRI, Halam, AL Rimal, Gaza , Omar Almukhtar Street , Burj Alshorouq , Fourth Floor , Apartment # 505, Gaza, Tel: 08-2869658, Fax: 08-2833838, Mobile, 0599210503. BA in Law Cairo University, 1981. Patrice: General Civil law, Specialist in Insurance, Consultant to the National Insurance Company. Languages: English and Arabic.
ALFALEH, Amin & TALEB Ali Mohammed: P.O.BOX 1122, El Rimal, Gaza. Tel- fax 08- 2821395, Alfleh mobile: 0599745344, Taleb mobile 0599724403. General Practice: Corporations, Foreign Claims, Investment, Personal Injury law, Patent. Languages: Arabic and English. Alfaleh graduated from Ein Shams University in Egypt, 1981.
ALWAHIDI, Darwish: Alwihda Alrabia Street, Alshawa and Husari building, second floor, Gaza, Tel 08-2840770, Fax: 08-28267558. B.A in law from Beirut, 1967, PhD In Civil Law from Alexandria University in Cairo, 1990. Member of the Palestinian Bar Association. Beside research studies he wrote ten books on civil law. Practice: Civil Law. Languages: English, Arabic and French.
ALZAEEM, Sharhabeel & Associates: Gaza City, P.O Box: 1135, Omar Almukhtar Street, Tel: 972-8-282-0445, Fax: 972-8-282-0598, Email: Graduated from Alexandria University with a degree in law in 1982. Member of the American bar Association. Practice: Insurance law / Insurance inspection Services, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Banking law, Companies law, intellectual property, Taxation and Trade law. Languages: Arabic and English.
ANANI, Zuheir & Ameed: Ramallah Main Street, P.O.Box 860, Ramallah, Tele: 02-2953665, 02-2987480, Fax No. 02-2964151. Residence telephone 02-2967060. Zuheir Anani; member of Palestinian Bar Association, graduated from Cairo University 1957. Experience: from 1957-1975; Treasury prosecutor of the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan, Magistrate prosecutor of Nablus district; President of District Courts of Ramallah and Hebron, advocate and consultant 1975 until present. Languages: Arabic, English and French. Ameed Anani, member of Palestinian Bar Association, graduated from Amman University 1994. MA (commercial law) 2003. Languages: Arabic and English. Practice: Banking law, Commercial law, Real & property law, Insurance law, Patent law, Intellectual Property and Labor law.
ASSA, Aharon: 6-Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem. P.O. Box 2335. Tel: 02-625-1095. Telefax machines 02-643-1585. (8:30 a.m.-1:30). Israeli citizen. Born Bulgaria 1924. Law Faculty, Hebrew University, Jerusalem; academic degree of Magister Juris, 1957. Practicing since 1957. Member of Israel Bar Association. Practice: real estate, property and Notary Public. Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, English, French, Yiddish and Russian.
BASKIN, David H.: 9 Harav Kook Street Jerusalem 94226. Tel: 02-6233322. Facsimile 02-6259995. Born Ohio, USA Studies the Colorado College, C.SPGS. Colorado, Skidmore, Saratoga SPGS, NY, Law Faculty-Tel Aviv Univ. Practice: all matters pertaining to U.S. citizens in Israel, Commercial transactions, contracts, wills, real estate, corporate-company law, advice re- investment possibilities, court appearances in all Israeli Courts, (civil, criminal, family, military) special entrust; Real Estate Law, rights of the handicapped, international business and land development. Languages; English, Hebrew, basic French, ability to translate legal documents. Possible international representation through offices in NYC.
BAZAK, Moshe: 33 Jaffa Street (Beit Yoel Building, 1st Floor), Jerusalem.
Tel: 02-625-5490, fax: 02-623-5696. (08:00-13:00 and 16:00-18:00, closed Tuesday and Friday afternoons). Israeli citizen. Born in Jerusalem. Hebrew University of Jerusalem M.J. 1956. Member of Israeli Bar 1958. Practice: Civil law, real estate, property law, contracts, estates, family law and Notary Public. Languages: English, Hebrew and Yiddish. E-mail –
BECKER, Samuel Laurence: 10-Koresh Street, Jerusalem. Tel: 02-623-2603. Fax 02-625-9407. Born England 1940. British and Israeli citizen. London University LL.B. (Hons), 1962. Practicing since 1963 in commercial, civil, estates, property, landlord-tenant, divorce and other domestic matters. Languages: English, Hebrew, French and Yiddish.
DAHLEH, Mohammad: Jerusalem, 4 Ibn Batotah Street, P.O.Box 1342, Jerusalem 91013, Tel: 02-6274070-1, Fax: 02-6274060. Graduated from the American University Washington College of law, Washington D.C, ILL. 1992. International Legal Studies. Member of the New York Bar Association. Primary practice: Constitutional law, Real Estate and property law, human rights, litigations in the Israeli courts, especially the Israeli Supreme court, defending Palestinian Human rights in the Palestinian Occupation. Legal Advisor for the PLO on Jerusalem, Legal advisor and member of Palestinian delegation to the International Court of Justice in the Hague, on the Separation Barrier issue.
El AGHA, Gehad Hamdan: El Agha Street, Khan Younis, Gaza Strip. Tel: 08-2052382, Fax: 08: 2052 382, Mobile 059 954 0528. Bachelor of Law from Alexandria University. General Practice: Commercial / Collections, Corporation, Banking, Criminal law, labor law. Languages: English and Arabic. Licensed to practice law in Egypt and Palestinian Authority.
El BASOUS, Nafez Arafat: El Jala’ Square, P.O. Box 1267, El Rimal, Gaza, P.O BOX 1116, 08- 2825384, Fax: 08- 2862298, mobile 0599403046, email: and bassosco@hotmailcom. Graduated from Al – Arabia University in Beirut. Main Field of Practice: Commercial / Collections, Foreign Claims, Criminal Law, General Government Regulations. Languages: English and Arabic.
FARA, Abdurrahman: P.o.Box 72, El Salam Street, 2nd floor Number 8, Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Tel – Fax 08- 2054537, Mobile 0599410193. BA in Law and MA in International Law. Practice: Family law, Estates, Probate law, Commercial / Collections. Languages: Arabic, English and Hebrew.
FEINSTEIN, Dr. Barry A.: 1 Narkis Street, P.O. Box 7246, Jerusalem 91072. Tel: 02-6255810. Born South Dakota, USA. Senior Lecturer in International Law and International Commercial Transactions, School of Law, Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel; Visiting Professor of Law, McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, Sacramento, California (summers); Senior Fellow, Strategic Dialogue Center, Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel. J.S.D. (1981) and LL.M. (1978), School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley; LL.B. (1976) and B.A. (Political Science and International Relations) (1974), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Member of California (1979) and Israel (1977) Bars. Special interests: International law, international transactions and investments. Languages: English, Hebrew, and Spanish.
FRIED, Amos: 46 Ramban St., Jerusalem, Tel. 02-566-6662, Cellular phone 054-493-1359, Fax: 566 6646. E-mail: . Native of Chicago, Illinois. Graduate of Bar Ilan University Law School, 1993. Practicing since 1993. Licensed in New York State since 1996. Practice: civil litigation, commercial law, criminal representation, personal injury, contracts, administrative law, real estate, injunctions. Languages: English and Hebrew.
Frimer, Prof. Dov; Frimer Gelman Shilo & Co.: Jerusalem Technology Park, Building One, Entrance B, P.O.B. 48180, Malcha, Jerusalem 91481. Tel: 679-9930, Telefax machine 679-9931. American and Israeli citizen. Member of Israel Bar 1978 and New York Bar 1981. Yeshiva University B.A. 1972, Bar Ilan University, LL.B. 1976; Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1980; Associate Professor of Law, Touro College School of Law; Faculty of Law Hebrew University; Chairman of the Jerusalem Bar Association Family Law Committee Practice: litigation, family law, real estate, civil, corporate, commercial, international business. Languages: Hebrew and English.
GHOSANI, Abdulatif Mohammed: President Street, El Remal, Gaza, Tel: 08- 2863937. Graduated from Ein Shams University in Egypt in 1956. Languages: Arabic and English. Practice: Criminal Law, General.
GROSS, Alex K.: 34 Sorotzkin Street, Jerusalem. Office tel. 02-5387088; fax 500-2090 (8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.). Born USA 1943. American and Israeli citizen. Yeshiva University, BA 1965; New York University of Law, JD 1968, New York University School of Business Administration, MBA, 1974. Practicing since 1968; in Jerusalem since 1974. Advisor to Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Israel. Practice: real estate, special interest in customs and tax matters, assisting new residents, estate planning, wills and trusts, Notary Public. Languages: English, Hebrew, Yiddish and German.
HANANIA, Maher (Legal Services Inc.): Hindi Center, Irsal Street, Ramallah.
Tel. 02-297-4155, fax. 02-297-4156. Email:; website: Graduate of the University of Florida with a BA in Political Science and a Law degree from the University of London. Practice: commercial and corporate Law, international trade, international treaties, contracts, business and personal, governmental related business, American immigration laws, “Green Card” and citizenship issues, NGO’s related business.
KAHN, Shlomo: 11 Ramban Street, Box 757, Jerusalem. Tel.561-1530, Telefax No. 563-7468. (Sunday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.; Practicing in Jerusalem since 1955. Practice: corporate, real estate, estate and trusts, tax insurance, Commercial and civil law, notary. Languages: Hebrew, English.
KATZIN, Joel Yaakov: 5 Eliash Street, Jerusalem. Tel. 02-623-1450, Fax 02-624-5368, cellular phone 054-460-1074, email: Born Philadelphia, PA, 1958. Hebrew University LLB (1985), Seminary of Judaic Studies/Jewish Theological Seminary, MA (1991). Admitted Israel Bar 1990. Practice: Family Law, Child Custody, Child Abduction (Hague Convention), Civil Litigation. Languages: Hebrew, English.
KLEINHAUS, Charles: advocate and notary. 29B Keren HaYesod Street, 94188
Jerusalem. Tel. 02-623-6974, fax. 02-625-0461, cellular phone 052-347-3315. Email: (8:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m.; 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.). American and Israeli citizen. Born New York 1941. Columbia Law School, J.D., New York University Law School, LLM, 1966. Practicing since 1966. Practice: commercial, corporate, estates tax, real estate, civil; specializing in international commercial law. Languages: English, Hebrew, French, Yiddish, slight knowledge of German and Spanish.
KRAMER, Yehoshua and (Schneider, Michael): Kramer-Shapira-Schneider & Co., Law Office and Notary. 19-King David Street, Jerusalem 94101; Tel 02-623-4258. Telefax machine number02- 625-5493. Website:; email: (8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; closed Tuesday and Friday afternoons). Attorney Kramer: Israeli citizen. Born in Israel 1945. Hebrew University of Jerusalem. LL.B. 1971. Called to Israeli Bar 1972. Practice: civil law, family and domestic relations, estate and trusts, contracts, real estate. Languages: Hebrew, English, Arabic and Yiddish. Attorney Schneider: Adv., L.L.B. Born 1947. Graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Practicing law since 1972. Extensive experience in industrial management. Served as Chairman of the Tanners group in the Industrialists’ Association, as well as Director on the Board of the Israel Chemicals Co. Fields of expertise: Tax Law, Commercial Law, Banking Law, Hotels.
KUTTAB, Jonathan G.: 2-Abu Ubaidah St. Jerusalem, 02-627-3723;
fax 02-628-1-218. Email: Born in Amman, Jordan. BA Messiah College, Juris Doctor University of Virginia, Member of New York Bar, the Palestinian Bar and the Israeli Bar. Practicing New York 1977-1979. Practice: General, West Bank Law, and U.S. tax consultation land management and U.S. law-related matters. Member of Israeli Bar. Languages: English, Arabic and Hebrew.
LECKER, Shlomo: 54A Hanevi’im Street, 95141 Jerusalem. Office telephone 02-623-3695, fax 02-625-7546. Email: 1977 - LBB Hebrew University, Jerusalem; 1979 admitted to the Israel Bar; 1982 - M.F.A New York University. Practice: human rights of Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Damages, Criminal Law. Languages: Hebrew, English, and Arabic.
(From the Web:
· 34 Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem - Legal Aid: tel. 02-569-6200, fax. 02-625-9552; Public Defense: tel. 02-569-6180, fax. 02-569-6196.
· The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (Legal Aid): tel. 02-652-1218. Mailing address: POB 35401, 91352 Jerusalem. Website:
· The Brera (“Choice” in Hebrew) Center:
· Israel Children’s Rights Monitor: tel. 02-563-3002/3, fax. 02-563-1241. Website:, email
MICHELS, Jeffrey E: 10 Hagdud Haivri Street, Jerusalem 92345. Phone (office): 02 563 0102. Cell Phone: 052 350 9003. Fax (office): 02 591 6180. Email (office): Born New York City. U.S and Israeli Citizen. Admitted: New York 1990; Israel 1999. Special Interests: Legal Representation in the United States and Israel, International Law and Litigation, Commercial and Corporate Law, Civil and Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates, Immigration and General Civil Practice. Languages English and Hebrew.
PEARLMAN, David (M.JUR): 16 David Marcus, Jerusalem, Tel: 02-563-7411, fax: 02-563-5612. Email: . Born London, England. M.Jur. Hebrew University 1961. Previously served at the State Attorney’s office. Practice: Criminal Law, Military Law, Arbitration, Private and General Law Practice, notaries. Languages: Hebrew and English.
QUPTY, Mazen - Law Offices: 18 Al Zahra Street, Jerusalem 91204. Tel: 02-627-6668/9. Fax: 6284687. E-mail: (Ramallah office-Kharraz Center, Jaffa Street. Tel: 2958418; fax: 2958419). Mazen Qupty, born 1955. Tel Aviv and Hebrew University, Palestinian-Israeli citizen. Eight lawyers in total practicing in Israel and Palestine. Domain: Civil Law, Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Banking, Real Estate, Insurance and Damages, special expertise pertaining to investment in Palestinian territories. Languages: English, Arabic, Hebrew and French.
REUBINOFF, Gabirel: 2-Ben Yehuda Street, P.O.Box 391, Jerusalem 91003. Tel: 6252-122, Telefax No. 6252-221. E-mail: Hours: 8:00a.m. - 7:00 p.m.). Residence tel. 563-3583. Born Egypt 1922. Israeli citizen. Jerusalem Law Classes 1946-51. General practice, particularly negligence cases and corporate law. Practicing in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv since 1951. Notary public. Languages: English, Hebrew and Arabic.
ROSENTHAL & Yahia – Law Office: 4 Aristobulus Street, Jerusalem 94234, Tel: 6280-633, fax: 628-3132, residence Tel: 240-188, Workdays 08:00-17:00 hrs. Rosenthal: Born New York, USA University of London. Yahia: born Kufor Qara, Wadi Ara, Israel; Hebrew University. Practicing since 1986 in criminal law, human rights, labor law, torts, security cases and immigration laws. Languages Hebrew, English, French, Spanish and some Arabic.
SAYYAD, Ahmad & Duqmaq, Buthaina: El Bireh, Ramallah. P.O. Box 38002, Jerusalem. Tel: 02-2987292, residence Fax: 02-2980547. Practice: Arbitration, Mediation, Banking Law, Commercial Law, Copyright (Intellectual Property), Property Law, Patent and Trademarks Law, Corporate Consultation, International Business Transactions, Labor Law, Wills, Estates, and Trusts, Probate Insurance Law including Insurance Defense, Housing (Landlord/Tenant Franchising and licensing, Contract Law including Legal Documents Drafting and Collection Law) Litigation in all areas and Civil Appellate Practice. Languages: Arabic, English and Hebrew.
SCHARMAN, Susan: 4 Gedera Street, Jerusalem, 94427. Telefax: 02-5372141. American and Israeli citizen. St. John’s University Law School. JD 1977. Member of Israeli Bar. Practice: Real Law Estate, Translation of legal documents from Hebrew to English. Languages: English and Hebrew.
SFARD, Michael: 31 Rothschild Blvd., 66883 Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Tel. 03-560-7346. Israeli citizen, born at Jerusalem. LL.B. from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem; LL.M. (Masters) degree in International Human Rights Law from UCL (University of London). Practice: Human Rights Law, Humanitarian Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Law and Israeli Constitutional Law (“Bagatz” – petitions to the High Court of Justice, Jerusalem). Languages: Hebrew and English.
SHAWA, Ibtihag Salem: Gaza, Tal Alhawa, Tunis Street, Tel 08- 2842445, mobile 0599580678. BA in law from Alazhar University Gaza. Member of the law Society, Member of the Women legal Union, Member of Legal and Consulting Women Center. Practice: Specialist in Shari’a Courts and General law Courts. Languages: English and Arabic.
SHEHADEH, A.F. & R.: 26 Ramallah Main St. P.O. Box 74, Ramallah, West Bank, established 1935. Tel. 295-6441, 296-1111 and 296-3333. Telefax No. 295-3471 (9:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m Mailing address: P.O. Box 20007, Jerusalem, via Israel 91199. Fuad Shehadeh; member of the Palestinian and the Israeli Bar. Raja Shehadeh: member of English bar (Lincoln’s Inn) and the Palestinian Bar. Nadeem Shehadeh, member of the Palestinian and Utah State Bar and the American Bar Association. Kareem Shehadeh, member of the Palestinian Bar. Practice areas: Commercial Law; Banking Law; International Business Transactions; Trademarks; Copyright (Intellectual Property); Labor Law; Wills Estates & Trusts; Probate; Insurance Law including Insurance Defense; Franchising & Licensing; Contract Law including drafting legal documents and Collections Law; Oil & Gas; International Business Transactions. The office also carries out Litigation work in all areas at the District court and appellate court, Civil Appellate Practice. Languages English, Arabic & Hebrew.
TSEMEL, Leah: 2-Abu Ubeidah St. Jerusalem, Tel: 6273-373, Telefax 6289327, Email Born Haifa, Israeli citizen. Graduated Hebrew University LL.B. 1971 and Diploma in Criminology. Practicing since 1972 in criminal, civil and security cases. Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, English and Yiddish.
WOLGEL, Michele Coven: Mitzpe Nevo 27, Ma’ale Adumim. Tel/Fax 02 5903444.
Born in New York, Graduated Brooklyn Law School 1984. Worked for Lebenkoff & Coven in New York until relocating to Israel. Member of Israeli Bar. Practice: Consular matters pertaining to Citizenship and Visa Matters, Filing of Applications in the United States for Citizenship and Permanent Resident Status, various other general matters in either Israel or the United States. Of Counsel to Bretz & Coven, LLP. ( Languages: English, Hebrew.
ZAKKAK, Victor & SAID Rihan: 82 Yefet Street, 68171 Tel Aviv-Jaffa, P.O.BOX 51151, Tel: 03-681-6777, Fax: 03-68-7015. Email:
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