Examining the Desirability of Opening a Business

Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Friend

Here are two friends of mine who have made ambitous entries into the blog world. First up, is Derek M. Derek is a high school friend of mine with whom I still stay in regular contact. Derek is thoughtful, pragmatic, and a great fellow to have a conversation with. Often, when I get a telephone call from Derek we will stay up until 1 a.m. bantering about politics, religion, and business. He always has a way of stimulating my thinking and for that I value him as a friend.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Even Google runs tests

It is important to test your advertisng campaings - learn from google.

Read more at googleblog.blogspot.com...

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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bahamas Real Estate

Bahamas real estate is an investment you can truly enjoy, as well as make a handsome return on your money invested. From private islands and luxury homes to beach cottages and vacation rentals, the Bahamas has real estate for sale that will suit almost every buyer, as long as you don't mind sunshine and warm weather. Search our database of Bahamas real estate resources to find property listings, real estate brokers and information on owning a little piece of paradise for yourself.

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El ex jefe del Gobierno español insistió en que el peso de siglos de enfrentamiento con los musulmanes hace que la opinión pública española sea consciente del peligro islámico, a pesar de que éste es ignorado por el actual liderazgo político. "Los españoles saben esto muy bien. Otra cosa es la respuesta del actual Gobierno". Otro frente de batalla para Aznar es la inmigración, ya que es muy difícil imaginar "un país en el que la población nacional está envejeciendo y llegan inmigrantes de países musulmanes cuya integración es muy difícil". El ex presidente del Gobierno se definió a sí mismo como "un ciudadano privado, más o menos", lo que provocó risas en una parte del público, e insistió en que "necesitamos reconstruir Occidente". Aznar explicó que ésa es una tarea en la que está comprometida "mi fundación, mi 'think-tank' en Madrid", presumiblemente en referencia a la Fundación para el Análisis de los Estudios Sociales (FAES).

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Monday, September 18, 2006

The Institute for the Future

The Institute for the Future is a non-profit research organization located in Palo Alto, California. Founded in 1968, the Institute conducts basic research on the futures of emerging technologies, health, and global business trends. It also works with clients on targeted research projects.

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World Wide Web

The World Wide Web has always been viewed as a place apart. The constraints of the physical world - territorial boundaries, national and local laws, even distance itself - don't seem to apply to the virtual world, where everyone is every place (and no place) all the time.... Posted by Picasa

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 Computers are extremely versatile. In fact, they are universal information-processing machines. According to the Church–Turing thesis, a computer with a certain minimum threshold capability is in principle capable of performing the tasks of any other computer. Therefore, computers with capabilities ranging from those of a personal digital assistant to a supercomputer may all perform the same tasks, as long as time and memory capacity are not considerations. Therefore, the same computer designs may be adapted for tasks ranging from processing company payrolls to controlling unmanned spaceflights. Due to technological advancement, modern electronic computers are exponentially more capable than those of preceding generations (a phenomenon partially described by Moore's Law). Posted by Picasa

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Silicon Valley

The presumed wisdom in Silicon Valley is that you give any new tech to a samurai class of early adopters who figure out the bugs, use it to look at porn, and help you prepare it for the mass market. Instead of presuming all new technologies should begin their life as $300 status gadgets, how about turning them over to the kids? Fly's smart-paper technology has been around for years with limited success. But by February LeapFrog will have logged millions of hours of real-world testing by rugrats who'll literally draw outside the box with it. Posted by Picasa

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Friday, September 08, 2006


Just One Great Idea Could Change Your Life!

So Take Your Pick From 227

It's true that you only need one good idea to make your fortune. Consider Californian salesman Gary Dahl who, in 1975, came up with the idea for a Pet Rock, then took the idea a step further and decided to market a book giving instructions on how to care for the Pet Rock.

The fad for Pet Rocks spread like wildfire to the rest of the country. Here was a pet that took no care and still gave its owner a few moments of pleasure.

Unbelievably, a million rocks sold for $3.95 apiece in just a few months, and Gary Dahl - who decided from the beginning to make at least one dollar from every rock - had become an instant millionaire.

Now, stories like Gary's really ARE one-in-a-million. But there's no reason why one good idea couldn't truly change your life - for the better!

So, why not use other people's 227 ideasto help you come up with a winner all your own?

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

make resolutions

Most of us make resolutions on a New Year’s Eve, because a new year is a mile marker of a lifetime and we want to be in control of our path while we travel on it. I used to make New Year’s resolutions every year, and sometimes not being able to carry them out, I ended up feeling discouraged and disappointed in myself.

The problem was, I set too high a goal to achieve and I expected too much of me. When I look back, I see that the younger and the more inexperienced I was, the grander were my goals. After stopping to make resolutions for a few years, I came across a workable way to handle my resolutions.

Most of us understand a New Year’s resolution to mean “firmness of purpose.” Now, there is nothing wrong in being firm in our purpose as long as we know we have the capacity to achieve what we set out for. Another thing is to be flexible and to remember not to beat on ourselves as if we have failed in everything totally, should life twist and turn and things do not go our way. After all, one goal unattained or one incomplete resolution is not a major loss in one’s entire lifetime.

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Steps to open a bank account

The simple way is to pick up the first bank you see on the street and open your account there.

However if you are not in a rush to open up a bank account, I suggest you to look around first. Look around in the neighborhood and pick up 2-3 banks which are conviniently located to you and have lots of branches in your area. Dealing with banks with lots of offices and branches is convenient, it makes banking easier and the waiting times shorter. You can also ask for references from friends, and ask them why they recommend a specific bank. What they like and what they don't like?

What account to open first? Because most of the newcomers in America are not millionaires, in most cases a checking account is needed first for daily activities. Later on when you made and saved some money you can open a savings account too.

OK, you have your list of banks and the next step is to visit them. Don't have to visit all of them in the same day. Pick up one from the list and step in. As you step in, you will see the windows where the tellers operate. You will deal with them later, when you want to make deposits or withdrawals. You never open a bank account at the teller. Right now you want to meet any of those representatives who are sitting at their desks and assisting customers. They will answer your questions and give you help with opening your account. In some banks there is a waiting list you have to subscribe to first, and the customers will be called by name, and assisted in their order of appearance. Usually you have to take a seat and wait until you are called.

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