Just One Great Idea Could Change Your Life!
So Take Your Pick From 227
It's true that you only need one good idea to make your fortune. Consider Californian salesman Gary Dahl who, in 1975, came up with the idea for a Pet Rock, then took the idea a step further and decided to market a book giving instructions on how to care for the Pet Rock.
The fad for Pet Rocks spread like wildfire to the rest of the country. Here was a pet that took no care and still gave its owner a few moments of pleasure.
Unbelievably, a million rocks sold for $3.95 apiece in just a few months, and Gary Dahl - who decided from the beginning to make at least one dollar from every rock - had become an instant millionaire.
Now, stories like Gary's really ARE one-in-a-million. But there's no reason why one good idea couldn't truly change your life - for the better!
So, why not use other people's 227 ideasto help you come up with a winner all your own?

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